bookmark of some charters leads to error in bookmarks overview
Created by: JBigalke
Some Charters with a specific kind of atom:id lead to an error in the bookmarks overview. Error: The actual cardinality for parameter 1 does not match the cardinality declared in the function's signature: metadata:objectid($atomid as xs:string) xs:string. Expected cardinality: exactly one, got 0. [at line 161, column 26, source: String] In function: metadata:objectid(xs:string) [394:831:/db/]
All Charters with this kind of atom:id causes the problem:,2011:/charter/7b78733a-44ef-4bde-b98d-53e49c8b9619/3bd98b80-25dc-4a51-bb43-28586cb0d8de